Friday, November 13, 2015

Cool Hand Luke is a film that portrays a large variety of Americans who love to go against authorities and do what they think is right. This is a very big problem with our society. Yes it does make sense to go against laws that you think are unjust, peacefully, but we can not start going against little rules just because we don't agree with them. Most likely my group members won't read this and let me know their own opinion on this issue but if you guys have the time to actually comment on this then thanks. Anyways, I would like to hear if either of you have had any experiences of people around you breaking rules, or even laws, that just should not be broken.
Visual data is much more interesting to look at than reading an article. You can see much more from a colored graph that isn't a typical X,Y axis graph. In this graph that I found, it shows how Leo Messi shoots while on FC Barcelona and his national club of Argentina. From this visual data you can clearly notice where he shot from and the outcome of that exact shot. Numbers and tables would never be able to communicate this type of information. Numbers can't show exactly where he shot the ball from on the field and what was the outcome. It would be very hard to show the places that the ball was shot in a table (it would have to show where exactly on the field with length and width of the field). This graph is a great example of how much easier visual date can be read compared to the old-fashioned table data.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

columbine was a terrible thing. if the NRA would take sub-machine gun out of factories and stop selling them in stores then people would be much safer. thousands would be alive and safer without them. only military needs massive guns not civilians. how could the gun problem be ended? how would you go about it?

Thursday, October 29, 2015

mental illness is a huge issue not only in the U.S but all over the world. there are doctors that own clinics to mental illness and it does help. the video " A beautiful mind"  perfectly  showed the difficulty of someone's life with mental illness. if only we could have better ways of treating it. would life be better or worse? how would you handle mental illness?

Friday, October 23, 2015

the song company was beginning to drown in the economy that they were in. They were not looking at what people wanted. what they were looking at was what they think would be sufficient for a modern air plane. what would they have to do to make there company successful? how would they go about it? what you do about it?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's very interesting to look beyond a commercial and see what the company is really trying to persuade us to buy. Smarter companies will create catchy commercials that stay with us for a few days to maybe even a week. When we see these products in stores, we think of the commercials we saw and decide to purchase these items. In my example that I found, ShamWow created a very catchy commercial that everyone knew about. These commercials push "reptilian hot buttons" in our brain that alter our decision-making. This specific ad tells a lot about the target market. The people who buy things similar to ShamWow, could be passionate about cleaning and like to take things the easy way, such as college students or lazy mothers. Reply your thoughts on commercials and how companies create unique ways to push these reptilian hot buttons in our mind.

Friday, October 16, 2015


What are your personal feelings about racism? do you think that things today are better or worse today than they use to be 20 years ago and explain why you think what you think. Back yourself up with evidence and maybe even a link if your feeling crazy.